Sell with us
Why trust a real estate agent?
The sale of a home is one of the most important things you will do in life and it is not an easy task.
You must plan a strategy, a good marketing plan and exploit all available channels to find potential buyers.
Your home should be visible in all real estate portals, and your offer should always be in the top positions.
You must make your offer known to all the neighbors in the area.
Develop a good marketing campaign. It defines the actions to be carried out and establishes the guidelines to develop each of them.
We recommend that you have an exclusive telephone line for this task that is available more than 15 hours a day, since the phone can ring at any time.
Find free time or someone to manage your visits. Clients do not want to wait and like to visit the house at the moment. In case of not doing it, they lose interest and with that, you lose potential buyers.
You should master the "art" of negotiation. We already told you that a "here not low" does not work. Leave your memories and feelings aside; This is a business and it can cost you money.
If you are capable of all this and you can get financing for your buyer, advise him legally, write contracts and legal agreements, prepare the signing of the Deed ... Go ahead! You are ready. But if you think you are not, or do not want to complicate, we recommend you go to a good real estate agent.
What agent did I contract?
Before, you went down to the street and had real estate agencies every 50 meters. After this stage that we have gone through, many of these companies disappeared and those that remained had to adapt and professionalize each day more.
Of all the options available, you should choose one and place your trust in it. But, who to hire? Good question…
Compare possibilities and study well the services offered by each one.
I choose ...
Marketing a home involves a high cost in marketing, advertising, decoration, etc. If they are not going to invest in your home and they are only going to put ads and a poster, do you really need them?
Congratulations for the news! You can get more money if you sell it with that agency. Now, do not be surprised that in 15 days nobody visits your home, at 30 days they are asking you for a reduction in the price and you end up selling a few months later below the price that some partner told you. It's not about promising, it's about being realistic.
Imagine how you are going to defend your interests at the moment of negotiation of offers with the buyers if from minute one, they have negotiated their work downwards ...
We want to be your choice
Hire a serious company. It is recommended that you be an expert in the area where your home is located. That has extensive experience in the sector, as well as it will have a broad database of customers.
Remember that an agent must invest all his resources in the promotion of your home because he believes in it, and if he does not, do you really want it to be he who manages something as important as your heritage?
Do not forget that you and only you decide how you want your home to be commercialized.
We are not perfect and we have not invented an infallible sales method, but we continue to make a difference since 2004.
Do you want to know what we can do for you?
¡Vamos!We sell at the highest price and in the shortest time
The importance of the initial price
We must take advantage of the fact that housing will be the novelty in the market and will capture all the attention of customers if they perceive that it is an attractive offer.
This is the period we call "the honeymoon" .
Once this period has passed, the house is lost in the market. At that point, many customers recognize the house and remember that they discarded it in their day (even without remembering why) and we must find formulas to generate interest again. Unfortunately, on many occasions that formula consists in drastically lowering the sale price.
As it is very important to get the initial sale price right since the final result of the sale will depend on it, this is the first service we want to offer you .
A valuation of your home

Comparative market analysis (ACM)
An ACM is used to compare the existing offer in the same area and thus determine the value of a property.
In case of hiring our services, this will be the second step we take.
In it we will take into account the characteristics of your home and analyze the witnesses or competition that there is currently in the area with similar characteristics. And the most important; we will study similar homes that have been sold in the area .
Information is power and there is nothing better than having a recent comparative analysis, which contrast objective data to make a good decision.
We will take this decision together.
Remember: You and only you, decide how your home is going to be commercialized.
Marketing plan
Through the Marketing Plan we will define together the elements, strategies, main objectives, etc., that are essential to achieve our goal.
These are some of the marketing services that we put at your disposal. Each of these services gives us potential buyers so, step by step, we will be closer to success.

Real estate portals
We will make your home visible in more than 30 real estate advertising portals and we will make sure you are always in the top positions.
For this, we have previously prepared a professional report of photographs and videos.

MLS. Union make force
An MLS is a service provided by a large number of real estate agents who join their efforts to offer the best service to their customers.
Currently, our 3 agencies are part of the largest MLS in Valencia, VALENCIA SIC (Professional Services of Shared Properties of Valencia).
By contracting our services, the owner benefits from the strength of all the agents that participate in it, with the advantage of having only one interlocutor who defends all their interests.
When you enter your home in the database, automatically more than 100 professionals in Valencia receive the alert and cross data with their client buyers, so that greater diffusion is obtained.
All agencies will have your home and everyone will want to sell it.
360º Photography and Virtual Reality
It seems like science fiction but, as the name suggests, it's a reality.
Virtual reality is an environment of scenes or objects of real appearance, generated by computer technology, which creates in the user the feeling of being immersed in it.
With the implementation of this system, we are able to transfer the buyer client directly from our office to your home , without having to go through it.
When placing 360º vision glasses , the client will have the sensation of visiting your home, observing each corner and paying attention to all the details. Being a 360º image you will have a real perception of the spaces, of the light, even of the environment.
In addition, through a personal link to an application, the buyer can see the virtual tour from his mobile phone again and again, show it to his partner, family, friends ...
Although it does not prevent the client from visiting your home, since he has to make an important decision, he does avoid what we call "visits out of curiosity". Many buyers when they start searching for their new home, want to see many properties, even if they do not meet all the requirements.
With this, we get a saving of your time, ours and the buyer's own.
We like to be at the forefront and we always have the latest news from the sector. It is very important to always give the most complete service .
Make sure your agent has all the available tools.
Dissemination in the area of influence
That your home is visible on the network is very important, but it is proven that, on numerous occasions, homes end up buying customers from the area where the house is located.
That's why we must publicize your offer in the area. All the neighbors of the neighborhood or town where your home is, should know that you have it for sale .
Each one of the actions that we carry out in the area, will always carry the image of your personal advisor. Remember, the one that defends your interests .
To achieve this diffusion in your area, these are the tools that we put at your disposal.
Custom canvas
For each one of the homes that we manage, we prepare a customized canvas, made to measure.
Now your offer will be known by the neighbors of the nearest farms and by the passers-by who pass by your street.
Of all the people who see your offer, surely several have a family member or an acquaintance who is looking for a home in the same area.

Distribution of flyers and mail
Once you have defined what customer profile the advertising is going to be designed for, we will prepare an exclusive design for your home.
Every 15 days we will distribute 5,000 flyers in the area. With this we will be able to expand more the diffusion radius that we obtained with the canvas placed in the house. Now yes, the whole neighborhood or the town will know that your home is for sale.
These designs will always be approved by you and will always be accompanied by the image of your personal advisor so that the buyer clients know who is the person in charge of marketing your home and that you have a reliable person who represents you .
Magazine or exclusive triptychs of your home
This type of designs, we prepare them for several basic reasons:
When they come to the office and receive information, they have seen the 360º images , it is very possible that they can not visit it at that moment. By taking an exclusive magazine of your home, it does not fall into oblivion and can review the information at another time.
When they visit your home, they will carry the magazine in their hands and they can take notes on it, based on the photos, the plan ...
The visit does not end when they leave the apartment. On the way home, they will continue to see the photos, their notes, the information and they will be able to show it to their friends and family.
It's about that your home is always in the mind of the buyer clients.

We start?
Come on!Home Staging Your house enters the scene
What is Home Staging?
The concept of Home Staging is a set of techniques that allow you to enhance a home and give it a more attractive look.

These techniques were developed in the USA some thirty years ago and are now being applied in Europe.
Sometimes the house needs a depersonalization or a touch-up to make it more striking or closer to the buyer's vision.
Let's avoid the potential buyer feeling like he's in your house and let him imagine he could be in his .
We think about the profile of the possible buyer and we create everyday scenes with which you can feel identified.

Open House - Open doors
Open your home for sale to the public without a prior appointment and in a relaxed atmosphere. Organizing an open house is a real estate marketing technique typical of the American market.
Make your home known to the greatest number of people in the shortest time.
Know moreProjects of reforms in 3D
If the house is outdated or needs renovation, we think that the prospective buyer will want to give it a new look. For this we will send our designers and architects to carry out a reform project.
This project includes 3D images that will give the client a sense of reality and they can imagine their new home in the final state, after having carried out the works.
We will carry out a neutral project when we start to market the house and then we will prepare as many as our clients have ideas.

Tailor-made financing
Obviously, the sale does not end when we find the buyer. Prior to visiting your home, we will have qualified you. This means that we will know with certainty that this client can buy your home.
Once we have closed the negotiation and signed the contract of sale (in which always mediate arras that you will have in your possession) we will seek financing tailored for the buyer. We have agreements with all banking entities and, depending on each profile, we know where to look for it.
Services post-sale
Once the public deed of sale has been signed, we have a pregnancy service that will be able to carry out all the procedures derived from the sale.
Preparation of model 600
Tax settlement
Presentation of documentation in the PROP and Land Registry
Processing of the Municipal Capital Gain
Change of supplies

Service guide
Download the Finkas ng services guide.